Laylah – a day in my life

My name is Laylah. My name comes from the ancient Semitic word layl, meaning night.

I wake up slowly, stretching my long black body across the sunbeam that warms my favorite spot on the windowsill.

black kitten on window sill
black kitten on window sill

Mmm, I love the way the sun feels on my fur. It makes me feel like I’m glowing, even though everyone always says I’m mysterious because of my shiny black coat. They don’t know the soft, gentle side of me. Only my people do.

First things first—I need a good stretch. Front paws forward, claws out, back arched high… ahhh, perfect.

I hop down from my perch and saunter across the room. My tail sways behind me as I make my way to the kitchen, where my human, the tall one, is preparing my breakfast.

I always sit patiently, watching, as they open my favorite food—the one with the chicken and gravy. When they set the bowl down, I make sure to give them a soft purr as a thank you. I know they like that.

black kitten exploring
black kitten exploring the rooms

After breakfast, I take a quick tour of the house. I have to check on all my favorite hiding spots—under the bed, behind the couch, and inside that one box they left for me in the living room.

My humans say I’m curious, but I’m really just making sure everything is in order. Cats like me have to be on top of things, you know.

Once I’ve made my rounds, it’s time for a little fun. I spot one of my toys—a little mouse that makes a crinkling sound—and pounce! I bat it across the floor, chasing it from room to room. My quick, silent movements make me feel like a fierce hunter, stalking through the wilds.

black kitten playing
black kitten playing

But then, my toy slides under the couch, just out of reach. I sit down and stare at it for a moment, contemplating my next move. I could wait for the humans to retrieve it… or I could take a nap. A nap sounds better.

I curl up on the softest cushion I can find, tucking my paws under me just so. My eyes slowly close, and I drift off to sleep, dreaming of running through fields of tall grass, chasing birds and butterflies. In my dreams, I’m swift and powerful, but always graceful, just like in real life.

When I wake up, I hear my favorite smaller human, Sara, the one who calls me Laylah in a sweet voice, coming home.

I pad over to her, rubbing my head against her legs in greeting. She always gives me the best scratches behind my ears. I purr loudly, because, well, it feels amazing, and I know they love hearing me purr. It makes them smile.

black kitten sitting on lap
black kitten

Sometimes, when the humans sit down to watch their bright, noisy box, I jump onto their lap, making myself comfortable. They stroke my fur absentmindedly, and I close my eyes, purring softly. I don’t really understand what they find so fascinating about the box, but as long as I’m getting attention, I don’t mind.

As the day winds down, I make one last trip to the windowsill. The sky is dark now, and I can see the moon rising.

I sit there for a while, watching the world outside, listening to the quiet hum of the night. My ears twitch as I hear distant sounds—maybe a bird, maybe the wind.

Eventually, I jump down and head to my cozy bed, where I curl up for the night.

Tomorrow will be another day filled with sunbeams, scratches, and more adventures. But for now, it’s time to sleep.